Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The second days

Well, I've had a busy couple of days since I got here.The first day I was here, I got a tour of a couple of the markets here. I went to the 99 Yen store, and then went to a supermaket, Top World. I got some food, and some water, and then came back. Then went out again another hour or so later to get some slippers from around the Seminar House. I ended up getting some hilarious slippers, which are just super comfortable. I ended up getting a rather good nights sleep that night, which was great.

The next day, I woke up and registered for classes. Then I finally went out and headed to Campus, where I tried to pay my fees. I say try, since I couldn't find the office at first. I eventually found it, so that's nice. I then went and got some lunch with Sam and Mei Mei. Originally the plan was to go to the McDonalds on campus, but when we went there, there was no food available, so we went to the cafeteria. The cafeteria was amazingly good. I got some Curry Rice, an Onigiri, and a sweet roll, and it still cost 10 Yen less than what I was probably going to get at the McDonalds. I was just blown away by how good the fod tasted, and how cheap it all was.

After that, I had some campus tours, and then I went to the 7-11 across from campus to get a prepaid phone card. I also found some Melon Fanta, which is great, and some BlackBlack gum, which is good, but the taste is something like a cough drop. It's not bad, but it just seems weird. After I got that prepaid card, I went and finaly picked up my phone. So I've got a cool phone now, and I'm going to go pick up the charger later today.

That's about it for now, so I'm going to go do stuff, since it's only 7 AM now.

1 comment:

  1. Well, just about anything compared to the CSU cafeteria is fantastic, but that does sound particularly awesome. Hom nom nom...
